Partner Gustavo Coelho and Thales Castanheira will speak at the 4th Seminar on Competition Law organized by the Competition Law Section of the Brazilian Bar Association, Rio de Janeiro Chapter (OAB/RJ), and the Business Law Research Group (GPDC).
The event will take place on November 18 at the Plenary of the Brazilian Lawyers Institute (IAB) and will be attended by panelists José Gabriel Assis de Almeida, Jose Carlos Vaz e Dias, Lucia Helena Salgado e Silva, Polyanna Ferreira S. Vilanova, Anna Binotto, Ricardo Mafra, João Marcelo Assafim, Micaela Barros Barcelos Fernandes, Lucas Caminha, Ciro Martins, Bernardo Cascão and Danilo Takasaki.
The guests will address relevant discussions on antitrust and M&A, bigtechs, fintechs and innovation in three panels during the morning.