
Leia mais sobre recentes notícias atinentes a questões jurídicas e comerciais

Central Bank of Brazil is appointed regulator of virtual asset service providers

Decree No. 11,563 was published today, regulating Law No. 14,478/2022, known as the Brazilian Cryptoassets’ Legal Framework, meeting the market’s expectations by designating the Central Bank of Brazil (Bacen) as the regulator of virtual assets in the country. This measure represents a breakthrough in the search for a safe environment

Gustavo Flausino Coelho appointed Officer of AIJA’s Sports Law Sub Commission.

It is with great satisfaction that we announce the appointment of partner Gustavo Flausino Coelho as an Officer of the International Association of Young Lawyers (“AIJA”) International Business Law Commission, responsible for the Sports Law Sub Commission, of the. The Sports Law Sub Commission is a result of the development

AIJA Half-Year May Conference

Between May 23 and 27, partner Gustavo Flausino Coelho will participate in the Half-Year May Conference, an event organized by the International Association of Young Lawyers – AIJA, in The Hague, Netherlands. The central theme of the conference is the relationship between human rights and the growing importance of ESG

7th Global Entrepreneurship Conference

From May 21 to 23, partner Gustavo Flausino Coelho will attend the 7th Global Entrepreneurship Conference, of the International Bar Association – IBA, in Zürich, Switzerland. The conference is organized by the IBA Closely Held Companies Committee and supported by the IBA Corporate and M&A Committee, the IBA Corporate Counsel

ANPD provides page for submitting complaints and petitions from data subjects

The Brazilian National Data Protection Authority, responsible for regulating personal data processing in Brazil, continuing the development of its  monitoring activities and safeguarding the right to data protection, has made available a new page for filling out forms for complaints and petitions from data subjects, as well as for clarifying

The Power of Venture Capital Ecosystems in Uncertain Times

From April 20 to 22, partner Gustavo Flausino Coelho will attend the event “Power of Venture Capital Ecosystems in Uncertain Times”, organized by the Corporate and M&A and Banking, Finance & Capital Markets (BFCM) commissions of the International Association of Young Lawyers – AIJA, in Barcelona, Spain. The event will

ANPD publishes Technical Note excluding LGPD application for deceased persons

On March 17, 2023, the Brazilian National Data Protection Authority (“ANPD” or “Authority”) – Brazilian autarchy responsible for the regulation and supervision on the processing of personal data – published Technical Report no. 3/2023/CGF/ANPD, in which it states that the Brazilian General Law on Data Protection (“LGPD”) does not apply

2nd Edition of the Book Fundraising by Startups.

In 2020, the partner Gustavo Coelho co-authored with the lawyer Lucas Caminha a book entitled “Fundraising for Startups” by Almedina publishing house, dedicated to the analysis of fundraising for startups, covering scientific studies and practical cases around the world from a professional and academic, legal and economic perspective. In 2023 the

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