
Leia mais sobre recentes notícias atinentes a questões jurídicas e comerciais

New Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission Rules on Equity Crowdfunding become effective

In July 1, 2022, the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (“CVM”) Resolution No. 88/2022 (“RCVM 88”), entered into force, revoking CVM Instruction No. 588/17 (“ICVM 588”) and regulating the public offering of securities issued by small companies, carried out with exemption from registration, through electronic platforms for equity investment. Equity

AIJA M&A Summer Seminar

Partner Gustavo Flausino Coelho attended the event “M&A Summer Seminar – Between the Sheets: an intimate look at the interaction of balance sheets and purchase price mechanisms” organized by the Corporate and M&A Committee of the International Association of Young Lawyers (“AIJA”). The event took place between June 16 and

Ibmec Event: Legal framework for startups – corporate and regulatory advances

Partner Gustavo Flausino Coelho attended the event “Legal framework for startups: corporate and regulatory advances” organized by the Ibmec Law School, which took place on 06/07/2022 at 10am at the auditorium of Ibmec Barra da Tijuca. The event featured the following lecturers: (i) Rafael Viola, lawyer and Ibmec professor, who

AIJA Half-Year May Conference Gothenburg

Partner Gustavo Flausino Coelho attended the Half-Year May Conference of the International Association of Young Lawyers (“AIJA”), held between May 18 and 21 in Gothenburg, Sweden. The main topic of the conference was “The Future of Mobility – Navigating the Revolution”, which was divided into three academic tracks: (i) Intellectual

McDonald’s LGPD Data Security Incident – Big Mac Data

In the past week, McDonald’s has informed that it was the newest subject to a data security incident involving clients’ personal data. The fast-food company sent an email to its clients informing that several client’s personal data as Taxpayer number (CPF), name, marital status, email, personal address and telephone number

Fundraising for Startups book now available as audiobook

The book “Fundraising for Startups” written by partner Gustavo Coelho in co-authorship with lawyer Lucas Caminha and published by Almedina is now available as an audiobook! The audiobook version of the book is available at the UBook website and can be accessed through the following link:

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