Book “Teoria do Estado Regulador – Vol. VI” published by Juruá Publishing Company
On June 26, 2023, the sixth volume of book Teoria do Estado Regulador, organized by Prof. Dr. Sérgio Guerra, Dean of FGV/RJ Law School, was
On June 26, 2023, the sixth volume of book Teoria do Estado Regulador, organized by Prof. Dr. Sérgio Guerra, Dean of FGV/RJ Law School, was
The Brazilian Superior Court of Justice (“STJ” or “Court”) rendered an important decision on the Special Appel No. 1.900.843-DF, regarding the liability of shareholders and
Recently, on 14 June 2023, the Brazilian National Data Protection Authority (“ANPD” or “Brazilian DPA”) made available to the public a template of a Record
The paper “Reflections on the right of withdrawal of the partner in the limited liability company and its controversial aspects“, written by lawyers Fernando Naegele
Decree No. 11,563 was published today, regulating Law No. 14,478/2022, known as the Brazilian Cryptoassets’ Legal Framework, meeting the market’s expectations by designating the Central
It is with great satisfaction that we announce the appointment of partner Gustavo Flausino Coelho as an Officer of the International Association of Young Lawyers
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