2nd Edition of the Book Fundraising by Startups.
In 2020, the partner Gustavo Coelho co-authored with the lawyer Lucas Caminha a book entitled “Fundraising for Startups” by Almedina publishing house, dedicated to the
In 2020, the partner Gustavo Coelho co-authored with the lawyer Lucas Caminha a book entitled “Fundraising for Startups” by Almedina publishing house, dedicated to the
On 03/14/2023, brazilian newspaper O Globo published an article about the crisis faced by the swiss bank Credit Suisse, which recorded a historic drop in
The Brazilian Waterway Transportation Agency (“ANTAQ”) issued the Resolution No. 94, of 20 February 2023 giving more details on the procedure for leasing and concession of
In 2020, the partner Gustavo Coelho co-authored with the lawyer Lucas Caminha a book entitled “Fundraising for Startups” by Almedina publishing house, dedicated to the
On February 14, 2023, the Brazilian Securities Commission (“CVM”) issued CVM Resolution 178 and CVM Resolution 179, which established the new regulatory framework for investment
In January 2023, the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court (STF) included the Direct Unconstitutionality Action – ADI No. 5090 on the trial agenda for 20/04/2023. The
Rua Helios Seelinger, 155, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brasil • 22640-040
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