Mergers & Acquisitions Online Course
Partner Gustavo Coelho lectured in the Online Course on Mergers & Acquisitions organized by the Business Law Section of the Brazilian Bar Association/RJ in partnership
Partner Gustavo Coelho lectured in the Online Course on Mergers & Acquisitions organized by the Business Law Section of the Brazilian Bar Association/RJ in partnership
Partner Gustavo Coelho attended the “AIJA Antitrust Commission Day” event organized by the Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA) which was held on a virtual format
Partners Gustavo Coelho and Thales Castanheira had their article “Competition and innovation in capital markets: the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission regulatory sandbox ” published
Partner Gustavo Coelho participated in the Webinar on the subject “Digital Platforms and Competition Law: international and Brazilian experience”, organized by the Competition Law Section
Partner Gustavo Coelho participated in the Webinar that discussed the subject “Jurisdiction of the Federal Court, specialization, and free competition”, organized by the Competition Law
Partner Gustavo Coelho will participate in the event “Pandemic and the Judicial Recovery of Companies” organized by the Asset Recovery in International Frauds section of
Rua Helios Seelinger, 155, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brasil • 22640-040
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