Deals in leisure: The industries that bring enjoyment to your life – wine, food and hospitality

Between October 5th and 7th, partner Gustavo Flausino Coelho will attend the event "Deals in leisure: The industries that bring enjoyment to your life - wine, food and hospitality", organized by the Corporate and M&A and Real Estate committees of the International Association of Young Lawyers - AIJA, in Piedmont, Italy.

Partner Gustavo Flausino Coelho will participate in the panel that will take place on October 6 at 12:00 p.m., whose theme is "Sector Specific Due Diligence and Warranties". This panel will examine the peculiarities and main focus areas of a due diligence analysis for agricultural land, food/beverage companies and hotels. It will address the peculiar warranties typically observed in the acquisition of farmland, food/beverage companies and hotels. He will also address Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) restrictions, which are particularly relevant to these sectors.

The panel will be moderated by Daniel Giuliano (Potolano Cavallo, Italy) and will include panelists Andreas Herrmann (KWR Karasek Wietrzyk, Austria), Nick Samyn (Monard Law, Belgium), Salome Wieser (Ruoss Vögele, Switzerland) and Philip Frerks (Aon, Germany).

Each year AIJA offers over twenty (20) events and initiatives dedicated to international young lawyers, and organized by AIJA members through the various Commissions and Committees, whether online, in-person or in a hybrid format.

If you plan to attend, please contact Gustavo Flausino Coelho so that we can catch up at the many networking opportunities. 

For more information about the event, please visit AIJA's official website at the link: 

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