
Leia mais sobre recentes notícias atinentes a questões jurídicas e comerciais

Mergers & Acquisitions Online Course

Partner Gustavo Coelho lectured in the Online Course on Mergers & Acquisitions organized by the Business Law Section of the Brazilian Bar Association/RJ in partnership with the Superior School of Advocacy (ESA). Our partner was invited to lecture on the topic “Valuation in M&A” together with attorney Alexandre Borborema. Gustavo

AIJA Antitrust Commission Day

Partner Gustavo Coelho attended the “AIJA Antitrust Commission Day” event organized by the Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA) which was held on a virtual format on October 28, 2020. Watch an excerpt of the event:

Article “Competition and innovation in capital markets: the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission’s regulatory sandbox” published on the Migalhas website.

Partners Gustavo Coelho and Thales Castanheira had their article “Competition and innovation in capital markets: the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission regulatory sandbox ” published in Migalhas website. The authors addressed the regulatory sandbox created by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) from the perspective of the interaction between

Brazilian Bar Association Event: Pandemic and the Judicial Recovery of Companies

Partner Gustavo Coelho will participate in the event “Pandemic and the Judicial Recovery of Companies” organized by the Asset Recovery in International Frauds section of the Brazilian Bar Association, Rio de Janeiro State Chapter (OAB/RJ). Gustavo Coelho will discuss the matter with the lawyer Edson Schueler, Master of Laws, and

JOTA: Article on preventive action and antitrust remedies published

Partner Gustavo Coelho and Thales Castanheira had their article “Precautionary action and antitrust remedies” published in JOTA. The authors addressed the antitrust remedies agreed with the Brazilian Antitrust Authority (CADE) in recent mergers, drawing parallels with the authority’s guidelines. Read the article in full:

Publication of the book Fundraising for Startups

The book “Fundraising for Startups” written by partner Gustavo Coelho in co-authorship with lawyer Lucas Caminha was published by Almedina is now available for purchasing. The authors address fundraising by companies in Brazil, with emphasis on angel investment and its legal and financial aspects. Release discount at the link:

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