
Leia mais sobre recentes notícias atinentes a questões jurídicas e comerciais

New rules for controlling interest in Brazilian limited liability companies

The Federal Law No. 14,451/2022 was published in the Brazilian government’s Federal Gazette on 22 September 2022, modifying the voting quorum for the main resolutions of limited liability companies. Before this modification, the quorum required for approving an acquisition, merger, dissolution and completing the liquidation of the company, as well

Brazilian Superior Court of Justice and the Discussion on Parodies

Recently, the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice (“STJ”) has been turning its attention to the debate surrounding the parodies, with emphasis in the Motion for Reconsideration in the Special Appeal (“Motion for Reconsideration”) n. 1.810.440/SP. At first, the Special Appeal n. 1.810.440/SP was filed by Federal Congressman Tiririca against EMI

Gustavo Flausino Coelho Reelected as a Member of AIJA’s Executive Committee.

Our partner Gustavo Flausino Coelho has been reelected as a member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Young Lawyers (“AIJA”) for a three (3) year term. The election was held during AIJA’s General Assembly, at AIJA’s 60th Annual Congress which took place in August 22-27 at the

New Decree Regulates the Brazilian Anticorruption Law

On July 12, 2022, the Brazilian Federal Government published Decree no. 11,129/2022 (“New Decree”), revoking Decree no. 8,420/2015 (“Revoked Decree”), and promoting changes in the regulation of the Brazilian Anti-Corruption Law – Law No. 12,846/2013. The New Decree will entered into effect on 18 July 2022, with the new rules

Partner Gustavo Flausino Coelho is attending the AIJA’s 60th Annual Congress

Our partner Gustavo Flausino Coelho is preparing to attend the 60th Annual Congress of the International Association of Young Lawyers (“AIJA”), which will take place August 22-27 at the Marina Bay Hotel in Singapore. The central theme of this year’s congress will be “the future of the legal profession: rediscovering

Approval of the Regimental Structure of the CNPD

The National Council for Personal Data and Privacy Protection (“CNPD”) approved the Resolution CNPD n. 01, that established the CNPD’s Regimental Structure, providing rules regarding the entity’s structure and functioning. The CNPD is an advisory entity subpart of the Brazilian National Data Protection Authority (“ANPD”), with statutory authority to: propose

New Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission Rules on Equity Crowdfunding become effective

In July 1, 2022, the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (“CVM”) Resolution No. 88/2022 (“RCVM 88”), entered into force, revoking CVM Instruction No. 588/17 (“ICVM 588”) and regulating the public offering of securities issued by small companies, carried out with exemption from registration, through electronic platforms for equity investment. Equity

AIJA M&A Summer Seminar

Partner Gustavo Flausino Coelho attended the event “M&A Summer Seminar – Between the Sheets: an intimate look at the interaction of balance sheets and purchase price mechanisms” organized by the Corporate and M&A Committee of the International Association of Young Lawyers (“AIJA”). The event took place between June 16 and

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