
Leia mais sobre recentes notícias atinentes a questões jurídicas e comerciais

New Decree Regulates the Brazilian Anticorruption Law

On July 12, 2022, the Brazilian Federal Government published Decree no. 11,129/2022 (“New Decree”), revoking Decree no. 8,420/2015 (“Revoked Decree”), and promoting changes in the regulation of the Brazilian Anti-Corruption Law – Law No. 12,846/2013. The New Decree will entered into effect on 18 July 2022, with the new rules

A new course for judicial recovery and rural credit market in Brazil

On November 5, 2019 the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice (“STJ”) decided a case that not only outlined rural producers’ judicial recovery, but also the course of credit market in the segment. The decision of Justice Luis Felipe Salomão solved the case after split decision between Justice Marco Buzzi and

Antitrust Leniency Program Guidelines

The Administrative Council for Economic Defense (“CADE”) published on May 25, 2016 the Antitrust Leniency Program Guidelines (“Guidelines”) aim to consolidate the best practices and procedures adopted by the Brazilian antitrust agency for the negotiation of Antitrust Leniency Agreements (“Leniency Agreements”)  and to align them with international standards. Based on Law No. 12.529/2011 and CADE’s Internal

CADE discusses new role for associative contracts

The Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) released for public consultation a draft resolution which defines the concept of associative contracts and provides the cases of a notification to the antitrust authority according to item IV, article 90 of the Federal Law 12.529/2011 (“Antitrust Law”). The associative contracts are provided

Decree regulating the Genetic Heritage Management Act is published

On 05.12.2016, it was published the Decree n. 8772/2016 (“Decree”), that regulates Law No 13.123/2015 (“Act”), which provides for access to genetic resources, the protection and access to associated traditional knowledge and the sharing of benefits for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. ​ The Regulation, in similarity to the

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