Map of Priority Themes for years 2024-2025 published by the Brazilian DPA

On December 13, 2023, the National Data Protection Authority (“ANPD” or “Brazilian DPA”) released the first version of its Map of Priority Themes (“Map”) for the years 2024-2025, outlining the themes that will be considered as priorities in the Authority’s studies for the following biennium.

According to the Map, the ANPD’s activity will have four main focuses in the next two years:

  1. data subject rights;
  2. processing of personal data of children and adolescents in the digital environment;
  3. processing of personal data related to the use of artificial intelligence for facial recognition; and
  4. data scraping and data aggregators.

Furthermore, the Map also establishes the main objectives to be achieved within each of the themes, as well as the deadlines and the work methods intended to be used by the Authority.

The Map in Portuguese can be accessed here.

Our team is available for further clarification, as well as to advise on the procedures for complying with the regulatory obligations of the LGPD before the Brazilian DPA.

Gustavo Flausino Coelho –

Fernando Naegele –

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