Paper “Reflections on the right of withdrawal of a Shareholder of a limited liability company and its controversial aspects” published by Conjur.

The paper “Reflections on the right of withdrawal of the partner in the limited liability company and its controversial aspects“, written by lawyers Fernando Naegele and Matheus Chagas Lamarca was published on the Consultor Jurídico – Conjur website.

The paper deals with the existing controversies between the right of withdrawal without cause (Direito de Retirada) and the right of withdrawal with cause (Direito de Recesso) of a member of a limited liability company in Brazil (Sociedade Limitada). The objective is to critically analyze the practical aspects of each institute and the reason why it is possible to observe a preponderance of the usage of the right of withdrawal without cause in detriment of the right to withdraw with cause.

The paper is available for reading at the following link: 

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