
Leia mais sobre recentes notícias atinentes a questões jurídicas e comerciais

CVM issues a Guidance Opinion regarding securities and Football Corporations in Brazil

Recently, the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (“CVM” or “Autarquia”) issued Guidance Opinion n. 41/2023 (“Opinion”), highlighting relevant aspects regarding the understanding and stance of the Autarchy concerning the issuance of securities by Football Corporations in Brazil (“SAF”). The Opinion emphasized the complementarity between the SAF Law and the Brazilian

Article: “Copyright and Artificial Intelligence – Challenges and Possible Regulatory Strategies” is selected to be presented at the XV ENAPID

On September 14, 2023, at 08:30h, associate Fernando Naegele will present the article co-authored with partner Gustavo Flausino Coelho entitled “Copyright and Artificial Intelligence – Challenges and Possible Regulatory Strategies” in the Coordinated Session 3 of the XV Academic Meeting on Intellectual Property, Innovation, and Development – ENAPID hosted by

Associate Fernando Naegele is a guest on podcast Estúdios Brownie

Associate Fernando Naegele participated as a guest on Episode n. 46 of Estúdios Brownie podcast, hosted by photographer Ana Campbell. In the episode, Fernando discussed about image rights and copyrights, explaining the differences and convergence points of both rights. Fernando and Ana also talked about topics such as photography and

Brazilian DPA enforces its first fine due to non-compliance with the LGPD

On July 6th, 2023, the Brazilian Data Protection Authority (“Brazilian DPA” or “Authority”) issued its first fine for non-compliance with the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (“LGPD”), in a movement that can be considered a milestone in the repressive action in defense of personal data protection in Brazil. The controller,

Brazilian DPA publishes the template of a simplified ROPA for small processing agents

Recently, on 14 June 2023, the Brazilian National Data Protection Authority (“ANPD” or “Brazilian DPA”) made available to the public a template of a Record of Processing Activities (“ROPA”) specifically designed for small processing agents. The template’s publishing by the Brazilian DPA was a requirement provided by article 9 of

Paper “Reflections on the right of withdrawal of a Shareholder of a limited liability company and its controversial aspects” published by Conjur.

The paper “Reflections on the right of withdrawal of the partner in the limited liability company and its controversial aspects“, written by lawyers Fernando Naegele and Matheus Chagas Lamarca was published on the Consultor Jurídico – Conjur website. The paper deals with the existing controversies between the right of withdrawal

ANPD establishes interpretation on the legal grounds for minors’ personal data processing

The Brazilian National Data Protection Authority (“ANPD” or “Brazilian DPA”) issued on May 24, 2023, its first Statement (Statement CD/ANPD n. 1), which consolidates the interpretation regarding the legal grounds that authorize the underages’ personal data processing, according to the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (“LGPD”). The interpretative consolidation on

The Brazilian DPA’s recent developments regarding the filing of notices of security data incidents involving personal data

Continuing the development of its regulatory activities, the Brazilian National Data Protection Authority (“ANPD” or “Brazilian DPA”) issued recent news regarding the regulation of the filing of notices of security data incidents involving personal data. Besides the new webpage to file complaints and petitions from data subjects, highlighted and analyzed

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