ANPD announces public hearing on the regulation of international transfers of personal data

On August 14, 2023, the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) announced the Public Hearing No. 2 on the Draft Resolution on the Regulation of International Transfers of Personal Data and the Model of Standard Contractual Clauses.

Within the scope of international transfers, the draft released by the ANPD includes definitions, general requirements, characterization of international transfers, transfer modalities and approval procedures.

This topic is included in Phase 1 of the ANPD’s Regulatory Agenda for the 2023/2024 biennium. This ANPD initiative stems from the powers established by the General Data Protection Law (Law No. 13,709/2018) and seeks to promote the active participation of society in defining the guidelines for international transfers of personal data. 

Contributions must be sent electronically between August 15 and September 14, 2023, exclusively through the Participa Mais Brasil platform, available at the following link:

Our team is available for further clarification, as well as to advise on the procedures for complying with the regulatory obligations of the LGPD before the ANPD.

Gustavo Flausino Coelho –

Fernando Naegele –

Matheus Chagas Lamarca –

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